Piped Solar Light

Solar pipes are not new but they usually employ fibre optics which makes them cost more than many people are willing to shell out. This system, on the other hand uses highly reflective pipes instead and, if it is anything like it should, technically, be, it might do a lot to reduce our consumption of electricity.

With light pipes, there is no conversion of energy and, therefore, the losses are minimal. One thing to remember, however, is that such a system will not be kind to less than perfect installation – one end of the pipe starts in the roof and you don’t want your light pipe carrying in water as well.

I was naturally looking for a dealer in India to get an idea of cost but – not surprisingly, there are none. Not yet, at least. Anyone out there who wants to be one? Please?

A British company has also got a product that combines a light-pipe with a vent to make something they call Monovent. Interesting.

:: SolaTube :: via: Treehugger

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