ArchiCAD for AutoCAD users

For AutoCAD users who are struggling to come to terms with the shortcuts in ArchiCAD (AC), here is a handy conversion guide compiled by Architect Geoffroy Magnan. What I liked most was one simple sentence telling me how to back up my AC preferences; that and the section on Library Management.

Go to:

Edit: As Geoffroy himself says, in the first comment, it is still available at:

ArchiCAD 10 – finally

AC-10 Splash Screen

The AC-10 Splash Screen

I’ve been waiting for version 10 even since it was released worldwide but for one reason or another, Adroitec delayed the delivery. What surprised me most was the splash screen and what continues to surprise me is that the wonderful Amyuni PDF converter included in the package isn’t installed by default. It’s the best PDF software that I’ve ever come across.

Free Training Resources for ArchiCAD

While hunting for training guides other than the one distributed by Graphisoft, I came across a whole bunch of downloadable tutorials. Some I already have – but many are new. These include tips and shortcuts to speed up drafting, dimensioning tricks, a custom window tutorial and GDL-101 for beginners. Apart from the Training resources, don’t forget to look at other sections on the site that deal with CAD standards and (US) Government guidelines.

Link :: [BGW CAD Info Page]
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