Remove Buzzsaw and other Icons

Having reloaded the system from scratch because of repeated crashes, I realised that some things needed to be relearned at my end. One that nearly drove me crazy was AutoCAD’s insistence on putting the buzzsaw, RedSpark and PointA icons in the “Save” dialog box. Now it’s easy to get rid of Autocad Today – that option clearly exists, however, removing those annoying icons was a different matter altogether. I remember using a small utility to do that the last time around but I couldn’t for the life of me find it this time. That meant a journey into the registry. In the end, it was simpler than I expected.

NOTE: As always, fiddling with the registry can be dangerous so do this at your own risk – and only if you know how to make a backup beforehand.

Navigate to:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER . software . Autodesk. AutoCADRx . CAD-xxxxProfiles . [your_profile_name] . Dialogs AllNavDialogs

Here, you have to create a new key in the left pane.

Name this key DeletedExtensions

In the right hand pane, you will now need to add two new strings to the key you just created: Buzzsaw and RedSpark

Repeat this procedure for each of the profiles you have.

Scroll down to:


It will have two strings in the right hand pane- FTPSites and SimpleFileStorage.

The first corresponds to FTP folders and the second to PointA.

Delete whichever you want. I got rid of the entire key.

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